Wednesday, March 29, 2006

On Dreams

I had a crazy dream the other night... yeah, I know most dreams are crazy, but this one was nuts. David Hasslehof was in it.

I can remember was me and some friends were on the beach and there was David Hasslehof, Ron Pearlman, and Harrison Ford with their shirts off. And they were glaring at us. Just standing there glaring. We knew they were going to kill us. So we ran over and lit their camp on fire. But it was a set up. they called the cops on us and accused us of arson. We tried to tell the cops the truth. I'm not sure what happened between that part and the next....

That same group of friends, who I still don't know who they were, were climbing up this ladder on the side of a building I think. I'm not really sure. It was a metal ladder and we were climbing in a very small bricked in space.. I don't know. It was weird. Not sure how we got from David Hasslehoff to that...ANYways...

Yeah I told you it was crazy. Usually my dreams are influenced by what I was doing or watching before i went to sleep. But I wasn't watching anything with David Hasslehof in it. I was playing Oblivion! Unless, that game has David Hasslehof subliminally projecting to your brain.

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