Thursday, March 9, 2006


I originally wrote up a post about this in the FITES forums, so I will just do a good ol' ctrl+c, ctrl+v.

A buddy of mine was telling me about the "Google Empire" last night. He brought up some very strong points. Google could, in reality, take over the world. I don't know if anyone saw the flash movie EPIC a few years back. It is a fictional documentary about google centralizing all forms of media and communications. Well the first half of it is fact but the rest is theory :P


They mention a fictional "Google Grid". They just got one step closer to that bit being true. Offering online storage. Thats nothing new really, but added to all of their features, its a powerful addition. I had mentioned to a few people the other day that my guess, is that Google has so much space that they have no clue really what to do with it all.

Aside from that, for those of you who don't know, Google has recently acquired most of the remaining dark fiber as explained in this article.

"They might wind up talking to infrastruture backbone companies such as Level 3 about peering services for what could be a new, de facto Internet."

Another interesting find. Google's new recruitment methods. Posting on a billboard out in Sillicon Valley, ""{first 10-digit prime found in consecutive digits e}.com." The answer,, would lead a puzzle-sleuth to a Web page with yet another equation to solve, with still no sign the game was hosted by Google." as found here. Very unique and cool way to recruit. According to my friend Brian, they are sorting out and recruiting all the smart people for themselves.

Ok so Google has what seems to be unlimited amounts of storage, mass quantities of dark fiber, and smart people. :P Lets add the largest searchable database to that list.

To give an extra idea on how large google actually is, less than 10% of all searches performed in the last 3 years were pr0n related. Now, if you know anything about the net, basically everyone who surfs the net regulary looks for pron. To have it being in the lowest percentile ought to tell you something.

I spose I should emphasize that I, myself, do not strongly believe in the "Google taking over the world" theory... but it is interesting to think about hehe. iunno. thought i'd share that. *shrug*

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