Monday, December 31, 2007

To Be Continued.

Please hold while we change the channel.

*fiddles with the antenna a bit*

Now is the time to get reacquainted with our surroundings. What is it that we're looking at, exactly? The picture seems to have gotten clearer. The signal is stronger. Ah, ha! We're getting a better idea as to what we are watching. While this may be, we still don't know what the heck they're talking about. The picture is clear, but the sound has been muted.

Allow me to press the pause button.

What you are looking at is a show about a man who constantly doubts his ability to live life correctly, yet surrounded by his peers who knew that if he could focus and put forth a little effort, he could go far.


So the show is running its course, but hardly a soul is paying attention. The producers forgot to add the audio. Only one body is trying desperately to read lips, though lost in translation.

I'm sure that, in time, the producers will add the audio. This particular show is expected to run for many seasons. So, please. Stay tuned in. I have a feeling things will start to heat up this next season

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