Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Tips for Hardcore CS Players

CS players are unique, mostly in negative ways of course. They CAN be really nice people...OFFLINE. As the internet F***wad theory states: Give a normal person anonimity and an audience... and you get the ever-ready-to-call-you-an-assclown smacktard. Thats just how it is. I have yet to meet in-game a friendly, polite player who respects you.

I'm not saying this doesn't happen in other games. It does. ALOT....BUT the majority of people who are CS players still go ranting and raving about how CS is the best game in the world and no other game will ever be like it. Its friggin annoying. Lemme tell ya. Everyone has their own preferences. Don't shove your own down other peoples throats. I mean sure i'm gonna tell you I hate CS, but i'm not gonna tell you to hate it as well.


1) When you feel the need to tell the world that CS is the best game in the world and always will be.... please do not hesitate to shove a rubber ball in your mouth and mumble incoherently.

2) Be NICE for a change. just because you may act like a retard in-game doesn't mean you have to be that way in forums or in chat.

3) Get over the fact that CS is not the ONLY good game in the world. There are plenty others....try broadening your horizons sometime.

DISCLAIMER: This message isn't being directed at specific people. This is simply a message going out to the general CS community. I have played CS so don't go telling me I don't know what i'm talking about. I've been there.

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