Sunday, January 27, 2008

Overt Brainstorming

I normally don't blog this much.. but I feel like it anyways. Typing is like a drug to me. I start going through withdraw when I don't type enough.

While my buddy Mike may be certifiably insane, he does know how to write and, at the very least, appreciates my writing. So this one goes out to you, Mike! And damn you for cheating on me with that off-color watermelon! Think of Alfonzo! ;)


My writing quality has been degrading as of late. Transitioning into a colloquial form rather than my usual, formal style of writing. So I must get a firm grasp on my Grammar Nazist mentality.

In the past, I have often expressed my passion for the literary arts; Writing, reading, and editing. I do hold firm the idea of writing being a three-fold art form. There is a beauty in not only the message of the writing but the visual representation of it as well. The way the words flow on the page as if it were a painting. And to a point, it is exactly that.

We each hold our own artistic style in our handwriting, be it chicken scratch or a cursive grace. I won't say that everyone has the ability to become a great writer. That is not true. Some people are born with it, some aren't. Yes, I do have an exceptional affinity for literature, but that does not make me a great writer. Our minds are not created equal. Do not let anyone convince you that they are. Such thoughts are, quite honestly, bullshit. That does not, by any circumstances, mean that none of us can grow to do great things. If the ability is there, then you have that chance.

A great writer is a creator of worlds. His spinning wheel weaves new fabric into our minds. His imagination is pressed against the pages of a book eagerly awaiting a willing mind to expand its bounds of understanding. A great writer is no less a god of his chosen domain. One who selflessly writes for the knowledge and enjoyment for those around him. He will force your mind to lose sense of its surroundings and, if the spark is there, you will embrace it.

There is exceptional beauty in literacy. That is the awful truth to the writing of man.

"Like the sea of emotion before a storm
A tempest awakens my spirits, crashing upon the walls of my soul. I stare out, out of my mind, through the thoughts, the dreams, to the sun.
The shining light, the new day before us. We break free of our bonds and submit to the other. But the tempest is ever pounding. Never ceasing. Always bearing down on our ever volatile minds.

Improvisational Poetry. Mike and I got a little too bored today. So the above quote is a result of 2 minutes of boredom. Currently, he is in the process of writing a series of fantasy novels, of which in my opinion I believe to be good writing. Not great, but certainly good. He holds an ingrained obsession for writing. I envy him... to a point. :)

A great writer holds the secret to our imagination with a solid understanding of it. And he will be remembered if he chooses to unlock it. 

Monday, January 21, 2008

The Following Message Is A Result Of What You See Here

What do I see here?

Well the 24 posts that I made today are my accumulated blog posts from MySpace. I felt that it would be nice to translate them over to here for posterity's sake. So the following posts proceeding this one will be totally new.

Just a heads up and a bit of an explanation.

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Manifestation of Ultra-Geek (a rant about posers)

I am a geek. Yes, I don't think there is any doubt in anyone's mind that I am otherwise. I pride myself in my geekification. But I don't actively celebrate it to the point of outwardly expressing my geekdom to the public, they be friends or random strangers. The rising geek is more tempted to do such things. The new guy who found this whole techie-edge to be "cool" and are thus unknowingly presenting themselves as Ultra-Geek.

Now, this is probably a rant. Ultra-Geek isn't really something to be aspired to, in my frank opinion. Ultra-Geek does not make you look cool. For instance, this guy I just met... let's call him Chuck... doesn't exactly seem knowledgable about computers, but he does seem to know the lingo. But when I ask him a question to see if he really knows what he's talking about, just for shits, he puts random tech words together that make it seem like he knows what he's talking about, but really he's just grabbing straws.

And then another time, Chuck starts going on about the new 8800GT Ultra, etc. and how many pipelines there are to whichever card he had before, blah blah... even if he did really understand wtf he was talking about, there's no real need to know any of that stuff. I mean, what's the point? I mean sure, I am a geek, I know what that stuff is, but I mean.. spouting that stuff off to a group of random people does not make you look smart and/or cool. It makes you look like a friggin nerd. Which is exactly what you're trying to do on some level. Might not see it that way, but not my problem. :P

I say these things because I was once that way. I used to spout all this technical info off to totally random people to impress them even when I didn't know really what I was saying. There are plenty of people who do the same thing, and really... it doesn't work, people. It's backfiring on you without your knowledge.  

Chuck asked me yesterday for help in programming. He asked me to make him a web-page using CSS. I told him no because I had other stuff to do that was more important. That wasn't a lie, but I would have made up another excuse if that wasn't the case. The Ultra-Geek that he is... is that of a poser. Like I said, I take pride in being a Geek. Rightfully, too. I understand what I talk about, and if I don't understand it, I take the time to learn it and I don't get other people to do it for me. I have no respect for posers. Or people spouting to others that they know stuff when they really don't have much of a clue. That's just like a lawyer who went to school, cheated on the tests, and watched TV shows on law every night and stole lines.

So then why do I care? These same people are getting jobs that they shouldn't be getting. My dad came home one night telling me about this new techie they hired. He had certifications and degrees in Comp Sci, etc.. but turns out he barely knew how to upload files to the net, among other incredibly basic things. It upsets me that I have a hard time getting myself to school, and yet I know a zillion times more than these "certified techies" do.

This isn't about being a Geek. This is about being good at what you do, taking pride in what you do, and your ability to do it well. Poser, Ultra-Geek, slacker... whatever you want to call it. It's not cool. It makes you look... lol, well.. like an idiot. Anyways, this blog got way off track from where I wanted it to go, but oh well.